IPA Webinar: "Psychosis: Does Psychoanalysis have a chance?"


IPA Webinar: "Psychosis: Does psychoanalysis have a chance?"

September 27th, 2024. 4 - 5.30 PM UK time

This webinar will be in English.

The International Psychoanalytic Association invites you to participate in the upcoming webinar "Psychosis: Does psychoanalysis have a chance?"

This webinar will focus on examining the potential and limitations of psychoanalysis in the treatment of severe mental disorders, especially psychosis. Psychoanalytic theories related to psychosis will be explored in depth, including the understanding of its underlying mechanisms and the interpretation of symptoms from a contemporary psychoanalytic perspective. This seminar would also address specific technical experiences and adaptations of the psychoanalytic approach to working effectively with psychotic patients, highlighting success stories and challenges.

The webinar will feature two distinguished panellists: Franco de Masi and Alfredo Ortiz Frágola.

Our moderator for this webinar will be Elizabeth Danze, who will facilitate the discussion between the panellists and the audience.

Register for your free place by clicking on the link below. If you are unable to attend the live session but would like to receive a recording, please continue to register, and a recording will be automatically emailed to you once the live session has ended.

We look forward to your participation in this exciting webinar and hope to see you there.

Best regards,

Mariano Ruperthuz, Coordinator IPA Webinars

Silvia Wajnbuch, Chair IPA Communications Committee

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